“Adir” TDS Semi-Automatic Disc Filters
Filter Type
Innovative and patented automatic disc filters.
User can flush the discs without dismantling the filter.
Flushing is performed with filtered water.
Flushing is performed simply by turning the handle 1/4 of a turn.
Small foot print.
Two models are offered: 1 action and 2 action - user needs to open a drain valve.
Available sizes: 2", 3"
Filter is equipped with pressure indicator that enables the user to see if filter needs cleaning.
Technical Specifications
- Available Sizes: 2",3"
- Two Models Offered:
- 1 action - user needs to turn the handle 1/4 of a turn.
- 2 action - user needs to open drain valve and turn the handle 1/4 of a turn
- Large Filtration Area: 1,025 cm2
- Discs are flushed with filtered water due to the inner filter
- Max. Working Pressure: 10 bar
- Min. Flushing Pressure: 2 bar
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